Current Exhibition

Communitas 50th Anniversary

Community Arts Space
Nov 07, 2024
Jan 04, 2025

Communitas 50 Our Story. Our Community. Our Future.


In 2024, Communitas Supportive Care Society celebrates 50 years of serving people in BC. What began as a small, grass roots initiative in 1974 has grown into an organization that serves people living with developmental disabilities, mental health challenges, and acquired brain injury in Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley, and Vancouver Island.


It all began with a question: Who will look after our children? Much of what we have done and what we do today is in response to this question. That same question is in our minds as we look to the future. This exhibit is a way to celebrate our story, the communities where we serve people of all abilities, and look to our future.


The vision for this exhibit comes from Communitas’ graphic designer, Veronica Harms. She wanted to facilitate a project that would include as many people as possible while celebrating our 50th anniversary.


People are at the heart of Communitas and this exhibit is a reflection of that. We believe that all of us have abilities that we can share and contribute to the communities in which we live. Rather than have one artist create this work, it is a collaboration, bringing together pieces from people we serve and staff in every community we live.


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