Past Exhibition

Field 103

Janet Bright
Jun 16, 2011
Oct 09, 2011

The paintings in this exhibit were created based on the self-defined theory of ‘Memo Realism’, a theory which acknowledges the importance of memory, recognition, connection and reflection in the creation of art intended to elicit emotion, reaction and a sense of satisfaction for an artist and inevitably the viewer of art.

Bright’s paintings acknowledge and express the imprecision, fuzziness and gaps of memory through the use of paint drippings, scrapings and intentional un-detailed brushwork and it is engaging then, for the viewer of these paintings to fill in the blanks expressed by these mechanisms, with their own thoughts, their own experiences, their own understanding.

Janet Bright was born and raised on the Canadian prairies and began her art & architectural education with travel and language study abroad. This was followed by Fine Arts and Architectural Design training at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Design construction, film and entrepreneurial experience have defined an interest in creative problem solving, its processes and the outcome of its successful implementation. Janet has been strongly focused on the creation of expressionistic and ‘memo realist’ landscape paintings for the past three years while concurrently exploring expression in the fields of conceptual, commentary and video art.

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