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Past Exhibition

Art on Demand 5.1

Artist Kendra Schellenberg and Curated by Lisa Edwards
Jan 24, 2019
Mar 10, 2019
Kendra Schellenberg, Object Space 3, 2016, acrylic paint and ink on wood panel, 12 x 12 x 2.25 in.

In this exhibition, emerging, Abbotsford-based artist Kendra Schellenberg explores the relationship between womanhood and beauty. Her work considers the connection between the body and identity, specifically in relation to femininity, and the ways the interaction between an idealized body and objectification impacts the development of the self. Schellenberg challenges socially accepted notions of the perfect body by combining elements of beauty and the grotesque, creating images that attract and repel at the same time.

On display are four works from the artist’s Object Spaces series, depicting semi-abstracted female bodies on constructed, three-dimensional wood panels. Each form has been carefully traced from an issue of Sports Illustrated. Wood knots and grains mingle with thorns and vines to create female forms that mimic the highly sexualized images we see in media culture, while also questioning how “natural” the association between womanhood and beauty actually is.

The related series BoxBodies specifically explores the relationship between colour and gender associations. Here she depicts three deliberately androgynous forms in blue, pink, and yellow. Each body is twisted and compressed, suggesting how a fluid spectrum of human sexual and gender identity is often forced to fit into strict binary categories, often from the time colours are selected for us as children.

Schellenberg’s work prompts us to consider what it means to be feminine and challenges us to rethink our own notions of the idealized body. By reworking familiar images and placing them in unusual contexts, she asks us to look differently at the sexualized images we constantly see in popular culture and to reconsider how we view ourselves, not only as women but as human beings.

The Reach Art on Demand 5.1 Monograph

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